About us

Food and Non-Food

Our portfolio includes several companies involved in green, organic and/or sustainable food and non-food businesses.

Living and Leisure

At Femture Group we support all kind of non-conventional solutions and ideas for sustainable living and leisure projects. Now today living and leisure concepts with great accommodations.

Corporate Art Services

Art creates iconic spaces that inspire all who pass through. Art Lease & Loan is a financially advantageous way to enhance the value of your environment by incorporating significant works of art into your space. Another, more temporary opportunity, to get acquainted with the effects of art, offers Art Rentals. As Art Publisher we publish sophisticated, high-quality works, art works as well as art books and record covers.

Sustainable entrepreneurship

These days, businesses take upon themselves certain duties and responsibilities, simply by existing and operating, These are not only to their customers, their employees and their shareholders, but also to the world as a whole: to its present inhabitants, to future citizens yet unborn and to the environment as a whole.

We think that all organizations today should seek to develop principles of conservation within all levels of business activity. This message has not yet been accepted by everyone, but it is becoming harder to ignore.

Femture Group – we try to make the world a bit better